Friday, January 21, 2011

Born in the wrong decade...

I have been thinking for quite some time and I have come to the conclusion that I, Julie O'Connor, was born in the wrong decade.  Thinking about what I enjoy in life and how I enjoy people, it makes me sad that in today's world people are too busy to do much with the ones they love.  I heard a saying once (thanks to Brad Moss) about how the world changed after there were garage door openers and air conditioners.  At first I didn't get it but then it all made sense.  People talked to their neighbors outside and hung out and ate pie together before the invention of air conditioners.  Think about it, to get cooled off, they probably sat on their porches and while out there saw their neighbors doing the same. They would talk, one would invite the other over for tea or lemonade and they would fellowship.

Same thing with garage door openers.  Now we have the luxury of sitting in the car, opening the door, and backing out; never have once had to step out into the fresh air or in view of anyone else.  We are so closed off as a society that we have so many things to entertain us, yet most of us end up feeling alone and disconnected.  Facebook, Twitter, E-Mails, texting, etc. can be great tools.  But they cannot replace true authentic friendships.

I believe friendships happen by spending time with those you love.  I so wish that the times were different and people would just "pop" over and sit down for coffee and dessert. But, now if I were to "pop" over to someone's house, they would more than likely whip out some sort of online calendar and have to move 57 appointments just to "fit me in."  How I the only one wanting this kind of relationship with others?  Why wasn't I born in the 50's???  I really think I need to start a change in my relationships or just stay convinced that I was born in the wrong decade and get over it.  Thoughts??


  1. you're not the only person who wants that kind of relationship. it's totally normal because it's what we were created for. real. authentic. community. i, for one, am super glad you were not born in the 50's and if i lived closer i would pop over for DESSERT so much that you'd get tired of me ;). totally hear where you're at though and want you to know that those kind of relationships are possible, even in this decade. i'm going to pray for you to experience some!! :)
    love you!

  2. No, you aren't alone! Alex and I have talked about this as well...we feel pretty close to our neighbors, but our situation is that we want a group of people, our ages, that don't have to have a beer or alcohol to call it a get together and sit and talk and play with each others kids and enjoy fellowship. It is rather frustrating!

  3. Hey Julie, your not the only one on this topic I have felt the same way for years. I remember as a child we did this all the time had people over and as kids enjoyed playing with the other kids while our parents enjoyed adult time, those days are long gone and I wish I had this with my kids they might just be a little more sociable. love you and miss you guys
