Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What in the world do you do???

So some of you might be wondering what a family does that moves half-way across the United States.  "What do you do for fun?" you might ask...or "how do you even start over in life when you are a foreigner in that land?" Well, I guess I would start by saying that it is NOT easy.  We totally feel like missionaries to a foreign land.  We don't know anybody, the climate is different, there's these huge rocky things jetting up into the sky called mountains, the grocery stores are different, the restaurants are different, and the only thing the same is your family.  I totally feel that we as a family have a special bond now because we are all that we have here.  I think we have more love for each other, more patience for each other, and I think we may even enjoy each other more because we are all we have.  Sure we see people and are just now starting to get to know a handful of people, but us 4 have a unique bond as a family unit.

The biggest thing that has helped is prayer.  We try to be in constant prayer about what God wants us to do, where He wants us, and what we should be doing.  God has consistently provided for everything.  He fills the voids we have in our hearts for our families, our church back home, and for our friends.  And he even helps fill the emptiness with the lack of restaurants like "Freddy's."  :)  Oh how we miss you Freddy's!  We have yet to find a place that is comparable. Enough about food.  I am getting hungry for fries.  And for those of you who might ever been on a game show and need to know my favorite food, think FRENCH FRIES!  Anyway, back to real important issues...:)

The next tip I would give is that we try to get out and do new things.  We have hiked a couple of times a mountain that is within walking distance from our house.  We ask anybody that we talk to about things to do or places to go or good restaurants.  The check-out people at the grocery stores can be good sources of info!  The biggest challenge has been trying new churches.  We know that once we get plugged into a church, it will really help to be in a place where we can serve and that we can build some solid friendships.  We have been attending a church for 3 weeks now.  It was the 6th church we tried out.  You HAVE to get out of your box and ask around and then try new things.

Another thing we do is hang out as a family.  We do puzzles, play games, draw, etc.  It's amazing how special family time is, even if you do the same puzzle 20 times!  Just being together has been such a blessing.  We truly value each other and have seen how each one of us is unique and it's fun to see how the kids are so unique and changing all the time.

So now you know some of our secrets as to what we have done and what we do.  It's simple stuff.  There is nothing tricky or complicated about this family.  We try and live our lives by putting God first, our spouse 2nd, and family 3rd.  Everything else comes after that.  It has worked out so far.  Thanks for visiting our simple life.  Send comments or let me know if you're bored.  :)

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