Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My First Blog!

So, I have decided to start blogging.  Not sure anyone will want to read what I write, but that is ok.  Not even sure I will know what to write.  It's probably going to be random things that I think of, recipes, tips that help our lives run smoother, or maybe once in a blue moon, I will offer up some wisdom.  Yeah, crazy, huh?  Like I said, it will be "once in a blue moon."

So here goes...not sure where to start...guess I will start with a little bit about me.  I am a mother of two and a wife of one.  :)  I love God, my family, and my friends.  I try to live my life how God intended it to be, although I fail at this sometimes too.  I am married to the most amazing husband, father, friend, and person anyone could hope for.  Sorry, everyone...I got the best.  He treats me like a queen and would do anything for us.  Brent is such an intelligent, good-looking, fun, creative, unpredictable, loving, caring, passionate, hard working person and we have a great life together.  I couldn't have asked for a better person to spend my life with.

Our kids are amazing!  Joshua is 5 1/2 and Brayton is 3.  They bring so much joy and love into our lives that we feel like we don't deserve such neat kids.  We thank God everyday for our family and how blessed we are.

We moved to Wenatchee, Washington in November of this last year as we felt God wanting us to trust Him and move out here.  We sold some things, packed the rest, loaded a Budget truck and I followed (in the swagger wagon) Brent in the Budget and we trucked 2,017 miles across the United States, going solely on faith.  It has been amazing how God opened doors and provided everything that we have needed.  We are still waiting to see what the reason for us was to move here, but we have a peace that we are supposed to be here.  We are trusting God to fill our loneliness and our hearts as we are really missing friends, family, and our church back home.

Well, that is enough for now.  I think I will be adding more soon about things I enjoy doing. Sounds selfish, huh?  Guess that is partly what blogging is.  I really enjoy my kids and also cooking/baking.  So bare (or is it bear ??) with me as I will be sharing thoughts and experiences on my life with kids and running a household.  Maybe some cooking or baking tips, experiences with raising boys, budgeting, and probably some random stuff.  I know there is tons out there on all these things and I am no expert in any of them...but maybe something will strike a chord with someone sometime.  Thanks for visting!  And this concludes my first blog post. :)

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